Loch Venachar
Fishing Rules and Guidelines
There is a responsibility for all anglers to read and follow the rules and supporting literature provided. Non-compliance will result in a potential ban from fishing the water and may result in the confiscation of fishing equipment by the authorities. Serious cases will be reported to the police and may result in prosecution.
Anglers must purchase a Permit to fish on Loch Venachar.
Anglers must fill in the Permit stub end with Name and Contact details.
Permits are non-transferable.
Anglers must provide catch details to the Loch Venachar bailiff: email bailiff@llva.scot (m) 07596 308 927 or 07597 337 787
Barbless hooks to be used at all times.
All trout fishing rods must be held in the hand at all times. No multiple rod fishing for trout as a result.
No live baiting for pike. No fishing for pike with dead bait or lures from 1st April to 1st May and any pike caught must be returned.
All pike bait must be bought be a recognised supplier and not from fish caught in other waters. Bait must have been frozen prior to use.
All nets must have been dried for 48 hours prior to use or frozen for 12hrs.
No pike may be killed. A 'catch and release' policy is enforced.
All litter must be removed and the site to be left as you found it. Camp stoves are to be used where possible. If not possible, fires are to be kept to a minimum size and under control at all times. Theft of wood from adjoining private property, and cutting live wood from the loch side is strictly forbidden.
Any breaking of these rules, antisocial behaviour, littering or vandalism will be reported to the police.
Ignorance is no excuse for not knowing the rules!